Posted by Indraneel Kumar
A new report by the Urban Land Institute and Ernst and Young caution about the deteriorating condition of infrastructure system in the U.S. and how it can erode our competitive advantages that we had so far. Today, there is a funding gap of about $ 170 billion to upgrade and bring up-to-date the existing infrastructure system. The study says that China is investing about 9 percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on infrastructure, India is following suit, and Europe and Canada are revamping their existing infrastructure systems.
The authors also mention that new ways of planning for land use is required to balance the development and infrastructure. The old ways of unconnected transportation and land use planning might not be helpful in any way. The book presents various innovative methods, such as models of Public Private Partnerships, National Infrastructure Bank, etc. to finance the future infrastructure projects. Read an excerpt here and the whole study here.