Update: An archived recording of this program may be viewed here.
The next ECD On Local Government program is scheduled for September 3, 2009 Extension Educators can download a customizable flyer here. If you plan on hosting this event, please let Jenna Wargo know
Instructor: Professor Larry DeBoer, Purdue University, Agricultural Economics
When: Thursday, September 3, 2009 from 2:00 to 4:30 EDST
Where: This program will be delivered via video streaming and can be viewed from multiple locations across the state. The location closest to you is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. It can also be viewed live online via a desktop computer at https://gomeet.itap.purdue.edu/locgovfin/.
Who Should Attend: All individuals involved in county and local government budgeting (county councils and commissioners, mayors and city councils, town boards, school boards, library boards, townships, etc.)
Cost and Registration: The workshop is free.
Why: The recession may be ending, but challenges for Indiana state and local governments are likely to intensify. The recession will continue to hold down revenue growth for the state, and for counties, cities, school corporations and other local governments in Indiana. The property tax caps tighten again in 2010. Difficult budget decisions lie ahead. Meanwhile, this year, some taxpayers have seen further property tax cuts—but some have seen substantial increases.
Professor Larry DeBoer will try to answer these questions and talk about the new state budget, and consider the implications of the budget and the economy for the next biennium (2011-13). He will present information about the effect of the recession on local governments. Tax bills have now been issued in most counties, and DeBoer will explain why some taxpayers saw big tax bill increases in 2009. The new tax caps tighten again in 2010, with immediate and long term effects on taxpayers and local budgets. DeBoer will look at the implications of the tighter tax caps.
The following are some supporting information for the upcoming session: